Our journey to a better us!

About Our Business

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Welcome to Happy Healthy and Wealthy. Here, you'll learn all about our business, who we are, what we do and why we do it. Explore insights into personal development, uncovering challenges, triumphs, and profound growth that awaits those who choose to engage in the battle of discovery.

Happy Healthy and Wealthy transforms lives, empowering individuals to achieve holistic well-being, embrace natural living, and find true inner fulfilment.

Our Mission

Our mission is to inspire, educate, and support people on their journey to becoming their best selves so that they can enjoy who they are right now, and, work to sustain that feeling. We believe in the interconnectedness of happiness, health, and wealth. Our commitment is to empower you to enhance these areas, enabling you to live your best happy, healthy, and wealthy lives.

Our Values

Every decision and action we take is guided by faith, integrity, honesty, community, innovation and sustainability. We treat all people equally, acting respectfully in every aspect of our business. We do this to maintain trust, ensure fairness, inclusivity, and uphold ethical standards in all our interactions.

Our Happy Healthy and Wealthy Vision

We aim to expand by launching additional events, developing new products and services, and nurturing meaningful collaborations. Our business vision is a firm commitment: to extend our helping hand to as many individuals as possible. We firmly believe in the power of people, combined with the power of knowledge. We strive to make Happy Healthy and Wealthy a safe place, a catalyst for profound transformations, in the lives of those we have the honour of serving.

Every endeavour, is guided by a drive to illuminate paths, provide support, and encourage growth in those traversing their own battlefield of discovery. We understand the journey to self-realisation can be arduous and deeply personal. That's why we pledge to be steadfast companions, providing resources, insights, and encouragement every step of the way.

Happy Healthy and Wealthy vision

Through continuous growth and improvement, we aim to expand our reach and impact, ensuring there is a guiding light shining brightly for all who seek it. Let's traverse this path of discovery together, empowering one another to unlock the boundless potential hidden within each of us.

Our Promises To You

At Happy Healthy and Wealthy, we hold ourselves and our business operations to the highest standards to ensure your experience exceeds expectations.

  1. Quality: We promise to deliver products/services of the utmost quality, crafted with precision and care to meet your needs and preferences.
  2. Reliability: We promise to provide reliable information to the best of our knowledge and support our claims by providing source research.
  3. Transparency: We promise complete transparency in our practices, pricing, and communication.
  4. Customer Service: We promise to do everything we can to ensure your experience with us is a pleasant one.
  5. Innovation and Adaptability: We promise to continuously innovate and adapt our offerings to meet and exceed expectations.
  6. Ethical Practices: We promise to conduct business with honesty, integrity, and respect for all.
  7. Collaboration: We promise to work collaboratively with you, offering support, guidance, and expertise to help you achieve your goals.

These promises form the foundation of our commitment to excellence. They serve as guiding principles that shape everything we do.

Whether you're just beginning your journey of self-discovery or seeking to deepen your understanding of natural living, we invite you to join us on the journey to becoming the best version of yourself. Together, we can create positive change for ourselves and the world around us.

Our Offerings

About our business the power of transformation

Empowering Transformation

We believe that true happiness, health, and wealth are interconnected and essential components of a fulfilling life. We are committed to empowering you to unlock your full potential and create positive change for the benefit of you and those around you.

About our business holistic, natural approach

Holistic, Natural Approach

A holistic approach to well-being, addresses the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual aspects of happiness, health and wealth. Our offerings are designed to nourish and nurture you as a whole person, supporting you in achieving balance, harmony, and vitality in all areas.

Transformative, Life Changing Events

Events that are designed to help you gain new insights, shift limiting beliefs, and awaken your true potential. Combining scientific knowledge, expert interviews, and meditation exercises, these events provide the tools and inspiration you need to create lasting change.

Digital Products and Content Resources

Our digital products and content resources are focused on natural health, personal development, and holistic well-being. These include eBooks, blog posts, articles, webinars and videos, to support you on your journey to self-improvement and personal growth.

We hope you enjoy learning about our Happy Healthy and Wealthy business. If you have any questions or would like to speak to us further, you can reach us at hello@happyhealthyandwealthy.co.uk.

Our Founder

The History

I was living nearly 300 miles away from home when lockdowns hit, in a small town in the South West of the UK, Henley on Thames. I was working for myself and living by myself and I was dealing with some pretty heavy personal issues at the time. The series of events that led to such circumstances was also the reason I endured this time without any close friends nearby. It was an incredibly lonely experience. I knew that if I wanted to get through it, something had to change.

Amidst what felt like never ending solitude, I wanted to find out more about what was going on with me, with the world, with everything. I realised that something felt very off about the global response to the pandemic. Of course, it was something our world had never dealt with before but it felt like it was more than that. Little did I know at the time just how much more. All I knew then was that the media's relentless bullying and societal pressures really didn't sit right with me, so I set out to uncover the truth.

The First Thread

I began to dig into the mysteries of it all. I wanted to know more about my own brain and learn strategies that could help me to cope with the loneliness. I was also interested in investigating the way the pandemic response was being communicated. I considered things like why certain words were being used, why certain colours, where the emphasis was being placed, what the data was, where it came from, and what involvement, links and motivations may have been going on underneath. I found it interesting and terrifying to witness the scale of this campaign and how it impacted all people on earth.

Happy Healthy and Wealthy unravel

The Unravelling

This led me down a rabbit hole of media and in turn, governmental and celebrity culture scrutiny. From there, I looked into the pharmaceutical industry, food industry, global politics, international relations and lesser known history.

But my thirst for knowledge knew no bounds. One rabbit hole led to another and another, and, well, you get it. I researched topics like A.I, CRISPR, nanotech, bio-engineering, different kinds of religion, space, aliens, quantum physics, biology, consciousness, body language, communication, etymology, energy, sound, meditation, nutrition, the natural world, natural health and even what happens after we die — each revelation more mind-bending than the last.

The more I learned, the less I knew. Before I started my research, I thought I had a pretty good grip on reality, but each new thing I learned challenged that notion. Before I knew it, everything had unravelled. This shift was incredibly humbling and overwhelmed me entirely.

The Shift

For weeks I didn't see another human face (in real life) and instead, filled that gap by immersing myself in relentless research, driven by a hunger for understanding. As I connected the dots, I began to realise the enormity, the scale and the painful extent of an entirely new world that had been lurking beneath the surface of the one I had lived in all my life. Who I was as a person was changing and shifting, on a fundamental level.

The Outcome

Every aspect of my life underwent a massive overhaul—my habits, my diet, even my physical location and body transformed. But, perhaps the most significant shift occurred within me—my belief system, thought processes, and even my personality underwent a radical metamorphosis.

Without a doubt, the experience was one of the most, if not the most, difficult thing I have ever gone through and still, I would not change it. There's that old saying, "ignorance is bliss," and while I would agree to a certain extent, I'm not convinced that ignorant bliss is what we should be aiming for. While ignorance may offer temporary comfort, embracing knowledge and awareness often leads to deeper, more wholesome fulfilment and growth in the long run.

My research transported me into a world that was much more confusing than the one I grew up in. It contained incomprehensible evil and with each new thing I Iearned, "bliss", of any kind, seemed to move further and further away. What I didn't understand at the time is that this was an illusion. Part of the trap designed to keep me, all of us, scared to look, scared to venture down the tunnel at all.

As it turns out, I did reach the end, and I could not be more grateful that I did. My desire to unlearn and relearn propelled me through each gruelling challenge and what emerged was an entirely new version of myself. One that understood just how interconnected, how powerful and how minimised we all are in this deliberate and elaborate system of control.

The Happy Healthy and Wealthy Future

I'm not claiming to be an expert in happiness, health, or wealth. Instead, I'm a fellow human constantly learning and improving in these areas. During my intense period of learning, I recognised my own growth, and it felt almost wrong to gatekeep this information, especially because I knew it could benefit other people.

After the shift, my whole life goal became about lifting others up. I take immense joy out of knowing that I am using my time here on this earth to help make other people's experience of life better.

I now know that my purpose is to help my fellow humans see and understand how incredible they are. In everything I do, I aim to provide support and assistance to people navigating their beautifully unique, and sometimes challenging, life path.

Happy Healthy and Wealthy Future

In the depths of my solitary, and frankly, sometimes scary, learning experience, I had an epiphany: I couldn't be the only person slogging my way through the treacherous treacle of truth. And thus, the idea for Happy Healthy and Wealthy was born— a sanctuary for fellow seekers on their journey of discovery.

About The Battlefield of Discovery

Happy Healthy and Wealthy Brain

The Call

The call to seek truth and understanding about who we are and the world we're in, always lingers. It waits to be heard in the depths of our consciousness. When we heed that call, we find ourselves thrust into a battlefield of the mind — a relentless struggle between newfound knowledge and deeply ingrained beliefs.

The trouble is, most of us base much of our identity on our perceptions of the world around us. When we encounter new information that challenges those perceptions, our understanding of ourselves and our place in the world must change as well. This often requires internal confrontation, which, although sometimes uncomfortable, leads to growth.

The Challenge

To embark on the journey of continuous growth and improvement requires effort, but it is effort well spent. Most importantly, you have to actually want to do the work on yourself and regrettably, our culture, our society, our world has created the perfect conditions for most people to be too tired, too drawn out or just have too much on their plate to find the will or the courage to confront the truth about the less appealing sides of themselves and the world at large.

This, understandably, is why some people choose not to heed the call, and go to the pub instead ;).

You might find that activities you happily took part in one day, you may not be so willing to the next. By investing in yourself and investigating for yourself, outside of mainstream narratives, you will gain an entirely new perspective. A perspective based on hours and hours of research, cross referencing sources, data collecting/correlating, and pattern recognition. Your friends and family are on their own journeys. You may face resistance if you try to share your newfound knowledge with people who aren't at a place where they can or want to know what you do.

External Relationships

When you begin to think differently, things in your life inevitably change. Friends and family may notice that you behave differently; you may spark unusual topics of conversation, fuel your body in a new way, or even dress differently, and this can present challenges. To the closest people in your life, it can feel very unfamiliar, almost as though you've been replaced by a whole new person. Naturally, this can take some adjustment.

The journey of continuous learning can often feel solitary and this is completely normal. Connecting with others on a similar path is essential for alleviating loneliness. Finding individuals who share similar experiences fosters a sense of camaraderie and understanding, easing the sense of isolation.

These connections enable the building of new external relationships that align with the common goal of growth, providing mutual support, encouragement, and valuable insights. In this shared journey, companionship becomes a invaluable, enriching the pursuit of personal development and creating a sense of belonging and community. Happy Healthy and Wealthy was created as a sanctuary for those seeking to find others on a similar path of continuous learning and development.

Internal Conflict

When the research lightning strikes, it can be all consuming. I've met a few people now who all report very similar experiences. For some reason, a switch within you flips, and all of a sudden, you want to know everything, about everything! When this happens, it's quite easy to become addicted to learning, especially in the beginning. The feeling of having your mind blown, challenging what you thought you knew, can be intoxicating. And, like most things that provide a rush, we, simple humans, keep going back for more.

Internally, expect debate. The things you learn may well contradict the things you have been taught. Our natural response is to shun anything that doesn't fall in line with our pre-existing patterns. Sometimes, even when you present your brain with cold hard facts, it can fight against you.

The bigger picture

After you've been in it for a little while, the dots begin to connect and fair warning, when you stand back and take a look, the picture that forms is bleak. It doesn't matter which rabbit hole you venture down, they pretty much all lead to the same dark and despicable warren. Processing the horror of uncovering the truth is a serious mission. It requires an open mind, a very strong stomach and an awareness that by pushing through and being committed to learning, we move closer towards creating a better future for all.

Feeding your brain with a few fat slices of self sought independent research will no doubt deliver immeasurable benefits, but before that happens, it's probably going to feel a bit rocky. That's why Happy Healthy and Wealthy is here.

The Happy Healthy and Wealthy Reward

Venturing into discovery is both thrilling and draining, a constant struggle between embracing the unfamiliar and clinging to what we've always known. Amidst chaos, an unquenchable thirst for knowledge propels us forward, delving deeper into the rabbit hole of understanding, compelling growth.

Engaging in personal development, growth, and independent investigation is not merely a journey but a deeply rewarding endeavour with multifaceted benefits. Witnessing progress and acquiring new skills instills a sense of accomplishment, serving as tangible rewards that motivate ongoing efforts. The invaluable assets of gained knowledge and skills enhance various aspects of life, from career advancement to nurturing personal relationships.

Learning about the world, even when faced with its unimaginably repulsive truths, is commendable. It requires courage and a steadfast commitment to seeking knowledge despite personal discomfort. Confronting difficult realities demonstrates a profound sense of responsibility and dedication to understanding the world more fully, extending far beyond one's immediate surroundings. By acknowledging and grappling with these truths, individuals contribute to a more informed and compassionate society, develop increased levels of empathy, awareness, and contribute to the potential for positive collective change.

Moreover, the sense of empowerment derived from taking ownership of one's growth journey is immeasurable. Proactively investing in self-improvement grants a deeper sense of control over one's life and a heightened ability to shape personal destiny. Furthermore, the rewards extend beyond personal fulfilment, as individuals who prioritise their development often become sources of inspiration and positive influence within their communities. Ultimately, the rewards of this work are multifaceted, encompassing personal growth, empowerment, fulfilment, and the potential for positive impact.

While the journey may be arduous and the challenges formidable, the desire to learn and grow remains unwavering. And in embracing that journey, we open ourselves to endless possibilities, forging a path toward our true potential.

Everyone's invited!

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