Your journey to a better you. Our journey to a better us!

Welcome to Happy Healthy and Wealthy!

Our purpose is to help you elevate your experience of life.

Embrace the path to optimal, natural health and a more fulfilling existence. This is your sign to begin the exciting journey towards becoming the best version of yourself, so that together, we can achieve our highest potential.

We are dedicated to guiding you on your active journey of self-growth and learning, understanding that your personal development positively impacts the collective. By supporting continuous and active growth, we emphasise that while each of us is unique, we share fundamental similarities that unite us. Enhancing yourself and your life naturally benefits those around you and the world at large.

With over five years of independent research, we offer insights and resources on natural health, energy, personal growth, and interconnectedness, empowering you to contribute to a more empathetic and connected world.

Here’s a taste of what you can expect

By spending your time with us, you’re not just gaining information; you’re empowering yourself to lead a happier, healthier, and wealthier life for the benefit of you and everyone around you. Join our community and start your journey to holistic well-being today.

Topics in Happiness, Health, and Wealth

We delve into all aspects of happiness, health, and wealth, providing you with valuable insights and practical tips to enhance your experience of life.

Analysis of Food

and Products

Discover what's actually in your food and everyday products.

Learn about their impact on your health and find natural remedies, support, and the latest insights to make informed choices.

Lost Knowledge and

New Findings

Benefit from our investigations into lost knowledge and new discoveries.

We aim to deliver information that you won't find elsewhere, ensuring you stay ahead of the curve.

The Bigger


Explore the larger context of what’s really going on in our world.

Understand the implications for your safety, health, budget, and future, as well as the well-being of your loved ones and the wider community.



We back up our insights with thorough research, offering you reliable information you can trust.

Our blog features key findings in happiness, health, and wealth, supported by credible sources.

Practical Recipes

and DIY Guides

Access recipes to make your own skincare products, healthy meal ideas, and a variety of digital downloads,

including eBooks, checklists, and guides, to enhance your daily life.

Exploration of


Engage with thought-provoking discussions about scientific discoveries, old and new.

We dig through the archives and present you with what we find in an easily digestible format.


Engage with thought-provoking discussions about spirituality.

We ask the ethical and philosophical questions about our world today and what it might be like in the future.

Embracing Oneness

The Theory of Oneness is a philosophical and spiritual perspective that recognises our deep connection to the universe. This perspective goes beyond intellectual understanding and becomes an experience where we feel a profound connection with everything in existence on every level. It emerges when we move beyond the illusion of a separate, unchanging self and understand that we are dynamic, interdependent beings. Clusters of matter that encase awareness, essentially the universe observing itself.

Often, we get entangled in our personal conflicts, desires, and emotions, losing sight of this greater context. Embracing oneness brings a sense of calm and clarity, helping us make better choices and understand our place in the grand scheme of it all.

We all recognise the important people in our lives and when we acknowledge the significance of the connections we share with them, we treasure the thread that binds us together. It's understanding that without our presence, that bond wouldn't exist. So, as we cherish not only the individuals in front of us, but also the very connection that unites us, we also must also appreciate ourselves, for without each person, that connected thread would not exist.

Our connections to others enhance our own lives. As we improve ourselves, we help others grow and expand their own experiences. This service to others deepens our interconnectedness and enriches our shared human experience.

Threads of Existence: Exploring the Interconnected Universe

Here, we delve into the intricate web of relationships and phenomena that bind the cosmos together, revealing the profound interconnectedness underlying all aspects of existence.

Physics embarks on an epic quest known as the Theory of Everything (ToE), aiming to intricately weave together the cosmic ballet of general relativity with the subatomic intricacies of quantum mechanics.

This journey mirrors the interconnectedness of our lives. Every decision, every action we take sends ripples cascading outward, shaping the fabric of reality in ways both seen and unseen. When you throw a stone into a tranquil pond; the ripple effect extends far beyond the initial splash, touching everything in its path. We see this effect everywhere, from the bustling corridors of industry to the beauty of nature, everything impacts everything else, meaning that the choices we make, resonate across the intricate tapestry of existence.

Enter Quantum Field Theory (QFT), where particles emerge as ripples in the expanse of spacetime, dancing to the cosmic symphony of creation. These particles interact and influence each other, shaping the unfolding drama of the universe.

And then there's the phenomenon of entanglement, where particles become entwined. Forever connected regardless of the vast distances that separate them.

Meanwhile, string theory offers a tantalising glimpse into the underlying harmony of the cosmos, proposing that all matter and energy in the universe are but the harmonious vibrations of tiny, fundamental strings. These strings, woven into the very fabric of spacetime, connect all phenomena in a symphony of cosmic resonance.

We, ourselves, are inexorably linked to one another and the world around us. Our stories are intertwined in the very fabric of reality. This is a reminder that our actions, no matter how small, have the power to shape the universe itself, and that within this interconnected web of existence, lies the potential for boundless growth, love, and meaning.

Meet Georgina

"Hi! I'm so happy to see you here. To be clear from the outset, just so you know, I'm not professing to be an expert in happiness, health or wealth! Instead, in 2019, I started researching, and I just didn't stop. I ventured deep down every rabbit hole I could find. I was on a serious mission to connect all the dots. Since then, I've spent a lot of my time discovering the flip side of our world and applying this knowledge to my mindset and life. I feel compelled to share my findings with those of you who are interested in what we share here.

By actively engaging in learning and applying what we discover, we can improve our internal environments by changing our perspectives. This, in turn, helps us to create and shape better external environments. When you look at life through a different lens, you get a different life experience. And, if you do it right, you'll likely behave differently, speak differently, connect differently, participate in different activities, and open new (more aligned to who you really are), doors of opportunity, naturally. I believe that the key is knowing how to create the lens you want and actively working at maintaining and developing that so that you can step into yourself with purpose.

We humans are all different, but in many ways, we're all the same. One thing that all of us have in common, is that on occasion, life can feel like you're wading through treacle, wearing a space suit, dragging a couple of 5kg weights around each ankle. I believe that during those times, it's important to know that you are not alone and discover strategies to move through it constructively.

By actively designing and building the people we want to be internally, we create and live the lives we want to live externally. We're all on a journey and it's up to us to decide what that looks like. Mine is one of continuous learning, growth and development so that I can maximise the experience of life for myself, my family and friends, and you! "

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Our Community

Open dialogue is encouraged, we don't gate keep here. We're always up for expanding our awareness, so, if you know of something amazing that could help your fellow humans to understand and enjoy their life experience more, please share it!

This is a place to share, learn and grow with other people who are also on their lifelong path of active continuous development. We believe in working to achieve a deeper understanding of our world and our place in it for the benefit of everyone. The world is changing right before our eyes and these days, more and more people are doing their own research. It's AMAZING to see and to be a part of. The growing community is a vibrant, welcoming and encouraging place, so, get ready because we firmly believe in living life to the fullest, without taking it too seriously and we want you along for the ride! Everyone is welcome here, this is a safe space to learn and communicate.

Together, we're on a quest for knowledge and self-improvement, and we can't wait to learn and grow alongside you. Welcome to Happy Healthy and Wealthy – the place where learning 'off the beaten track' topics, meets natural living, meets smart inner and outer wealth.

Your journey to a better you. Our journey to a better us!

Quick link to our recent most favourite products

What Happy Healthy and Wealthy is all about


We're on a never-ending quest for self-improvement and we're dragging you along for the ride (in the nicest possible way). So, get ready and join us on this mind-blowing journey of growth. The road towards inner happiness is not always easy, the work can be challenging but the rewards are well worth the effort.


From DIY remedies to weird-but-effective wellness tips, we'll explore all things health. The secrets hidden within our incredible natural world should be available and accessible to all of us. At Happy Healthy and Wealthy, we've got a super soft spot for natural health because we believe mother nature and her healing superpowers knows best.


You don't need to be a billionaire to enjoy your life experience, which in this economy is a good thing. True wealth comes from experiences but money does help with certain elements of freedom. Learn how to find joy in the simple pleasures while also making smart money moves.

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Happy Healthy and Wealthy is your place to discover your happiest, healthiest and wealthiest self. You're already amazing, just as you are so let's grow together and become truly incredible.

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Your journey to a better you. Our journey to a better us!

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