The Pursuit of Purpose: Beyond the Consumerist Carousel

In a world where consumerism reigns supreme, glossy ads, funny videos and flashy gadgets constantly beckon us towards instant self, and often hollow, gratification.

The system we're all a part of is designed to grab and hold our attention.

And, it's very good at it. So good, in fact, that as a human being living in 2024, it's all too easy to fall in the trap of focussing only on shallow, material things, losing sight of searching for a deeper meaning, purpose and growth. Our seemingly material possession driven society can ultimately make us feel disconnected from the opportunity to discover our true selves, and, what we're capable of.

In the UK, many of us are ushered into the consumerist mindset early. We see, hear and take in ads from a very young age. We also see, hear and take in how other people in our lives behave when thinking about, talking about or making a purchase. It approaches us from all angles, throughout our whole lives. When it comes to acquiring a desired material item, we register anticipation, excitement and happiness.

Our question is, is this real happiness? We all know that material possessions, in time, "lose their shine" and as we get used to them, they become like any other possession we own. Something nice to have, sure, but the buzz has gone. Leaving us endlessly scrolling for our next purchase hit.

This is why it takes real effort and strength of character to break the habit of a lifetime, and entertain the idea that there might be another way, a better way.

You know it, just as well as we do, you've seen it, dare we guess, probably even fallen susceptible to it... more than a few times!? Most of us have and do.

We find ourselves trapped in a never-ending cycle, always chasing the next material thing or fleeting experience in hopes that this time, the feeling will last.

Consider this, imagine for a second that money is no object. I know, it's a hard thing to wrap your head around, but try. Give it a few moments of focussed thought. Let's imagine, hypothetically, you win the lotto, more money than you could have ever dreamed. You're thrilled (obviously) and feel as though all of your problems are solved. You see the world, help out your friends and family, do all of the things you want to do, buy all of the things you've ever desired and dine at every fancy restaurant in town, trying every eye-wateringly priced meal you can. After all of this, probably a few years down the line, what do you do next? What do you want to do? What do you want your time on this Earth to mean? If it's no longer self gratification, what then becomes the compass that guides your life, your mission, your purpose?

As we embark on this introspective journey, let's ask ourselves a fundamental question: "Why are we here, and what is our mission in life?" The answer may not lie in the latest pair of trainers, the newest smartphone, or even the most amazing holiday. It's time to peel back the layers and uncover the profound purpose that transcends self-gratification.

The Empty Pursuit of Self-Gratification

Many of us can relate to the relentless pursuit of self-gratification. We work tirelessly, save diligently, and strive to acquire the latest and greatest in a bid to fill an elusive void. Yet, no matter how many times we repeat this cycle, happiness remains unfound. The shine always fades, leaving us yearning for the next short, quick dopamine fix that the next purchase promises.

The Tricks of Consumerism

Even those of us with marketing backgrounds, who understand the intricacies of the consumerist game, can still fall victim to its siren call. I know this because I did myself, for many, many more years than I care to admit. The allure of "ultra-shine technology" in a new lipstick or the latest phone that includes yet another different type of camera can be hard to resist. It's almost comical how seasoned marketeers knowingly engage in a game when we're fully aware that the house always wins.

Peeling Back the Layers

Thankfully, for me, there came a moment when the veil lifted, and the truth became clear. I'm confident and hopeful that the same thing will happen for at least some of you reading this who might be currently stuck in the consumerist trap. When you see it, you can't un-see it and everything changes, for the better! We realise that the answers to what we're seeking are not discovered in amassing material possessions and the best part is, you're in control. You choose when, where and how to start the process, it's all up to you. If you decide to take a step back and focus on the bigger picture, you'll fine tune what success truly means to you, which will no doubt lead you on your very own incredibly exciting new path of deeper fulfilment.

The Deeper Quest for Purpose

Success, as it turns out, is a deeply personal concept. It varies from person to person, and that's where the real journey begins. You are incredible and you should treat yourself that way, always. Your purpose, the meaning of your existence, surely goes beyond the fleeting desires of the consumerist treadmill.

The Value of Your Existence

Consider the miraculous sequence of events that had to transpire for you to be here, now, as a living, thinking being. In the beginning, after the bang, a planet was formed that allowed human life to develop. From that point, think of every couple who met and reproduced in order to create your Grandparents, your Parents, YOU! If even one small thing were to have changed, you might not be here right now, reading this, thinking, breathing, living your life, at all! The probability of your existence is so astronomically low that it's almost unfathomable. There's no two ways about it, you're a miracle, just by being you. Forget the latest phone, the fact that you're alive right now at this moment and able to form independent coherent thought is worth more than ten thousand lamborghini's - or any other transient material possession for that matter.

Creating a Legacy Beyond Ourselves

In this profound contemplation, you may find your purpose in life begins to take shape. What if, beyond the pursuit of self-satisfaction, your mission is to make the world a better place? To put good out into the world, to leave a lasting impact that extends beyond your own experience, beyond your own lifetime.

The Birth of Happy Healthy and Wealthy

This line of thought is what led to the creation of Happy Healthy and Wealthy, a platform aimed at helping myself and others to navigate the complex waters of life. It's about striving to make a positive difference and leaving a mark that's bigger than us, a mark that outlasts our lives for the benefit of more than just ourselves. It's a reminder that success can be a holistic concept that encompasses not just material wealth but also happiness and health, and extends to the betterment of society, giving us an abundance of internal wealth.

Discovering Your Personal Success

So, how do you uncover what success means to you? It starts with self-reflection, understanding your values, and embracing your passions. Success may be in building meaningful relationships, in contributing to a cause you're passionate about, or in nurturing your personal well-being. You might have heard this advice before: if you're feeling down or disconnected, help someone else! For it is often when we use our energies to better other people's lives, a byproduct is that we ourselves feel better. There's a reason this advice has stood the test of time, its because it's really great advice and it's something engrained into our culture here at Happy Healthy and Wealthy, so, fair warning, we're likely to keep banging on about it as our posts go on. Sorry, not sorry 😘.

A Lifelong Pursuit

These are not fleeting goals; they are lifelong pursuits that define the essence of your existence. By choosing a path that aligns with your personal values and aspirations, you can derive profound purpose from your journey.

The Power of Giving Back

When you look back on your life, what do you want to see? Granted, we don't know you but as you've read this far and you're still here, we're guessing it's probably not a trail of empty possessions and a house packed full of one-time desires. More likely, you'll want to see a life well-lived, marked by the impact you've had on others and the world. To feel proud of what you chose to spend your time thinking about and driving towards. In our experience, it's always the moments when you've selflessly given back that bring you the most profound sense of fulfilment.

Conclusion: Beyond the Consumerist Carousel

In a world that encourages us to chase the next material thing, we must break free from the cycle of self-gratification. Your purpose in life transcends the latest trends, gadgets, or possessions. It's about discovering what success means to you, creating a legacy that extends beyond yourself, and giving back to this beautiful world we're all part of.

As you reflect on the profound significance of your existence, remember that happiness, health, and wealth are not the endpoints; they are the means to a greater purpose. So, let's embark on a journey where our time, our thoughts and our actions are dedicated to something more valuable, something bigger than consumerist marketing traps. The pursuit of purpose, beyond the consumerist carousel, is the path to a life truly well-lived and we cannot wait to live it alongside you and your fabulous self!


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