Our journey to a better us!

Welcome to the Happy Healthy and Wealthy Blog

Welcome to the official blog of Happy Healthy and Wealthy - your premier destination for holistic well-being and prosperity! At Happy Healthy and Wealthy, our mission is to provide you with insightful articles, helpful tips, and valuable resources to support you on your journey towards a happier, healthier, and wealthier life. Join us as we delve into a myriad of topics, including wellness practices, self-care strategies, financial wisdom, and much more. Whether you're looking for advice, practical guidance, or simply seeking inspiration, the Happy Healthy and Wealthy blog is your go-to resource for all things related to living your best life. So, put the kettle on, settle in, and let's explore the path to holistic, natural well-being and abundance together.

The Pursuit of Purpose: Beyond the Consumerist Carousel

In a world where consumerism reigns supreme, where glossy ads and flashy gadgets constantly beckon us towards self-gratification, it's easy to lose sight of the deeper meaning of life. Sometimes it feels ...

Mastering Your Day: A Night-to-Morning Ritual to Find Your Best Self

Have you ever heard the phrase, "Start your day on the right foot?" It holds a powerful truth: how you choose set up your day can significantly impact your productivity, mood, and overall happiness and ...

Understand Meditation

We've all heard the term meditation but what does it actually mean and how do you begin?

The term is widely recognised, but to understand meditation ...

Supplement capsules.

Are supplements worth the hype?

Okay, okay, I admit it. I went in a little bit hard on the purchasing of the supplements, vitamins and superfoods BUT if you'd read and seen what I have, you'd be forgiven for doing the same ...

Introduction to Yoga: Discovering

Physical and Mental Wellness

"Introduction to Yoga" unveils a practice that has spanned millennia and continues to captivate the modern world. This exercise regimen encompasses physical postures, breathing techniques, and ...

Organic Minvita Moringa Superfood Powder.

Good Moringa!

Other names: drumstick tree, horseradish tree or ben oil tree.

If you've started looking into Superfoods, it's more than likely you've come across Moringa. This all-powerful superfood is packed with a variety of proteins, vitamins and minerals and has been highly praised by ...

Embrace Sunlight for Health and Wellness: Unveiling the Benefits of Natural Sunlight

There's something about a warm and sunny day that just makes you feel good. Maybe it's the gentle breeze, the beautiful blue sky, or the sound of birds chirping. Whatever it is, it's hard to deny ...

Allergy Awareness Week:

Natural ways to Manage Allergies

Allergy Awareness Week, spanning from April 24th to May 1st, serves as a significant opportunity to shed light on the impact of allergies and equip individuals with strategies to effectively manage them...

How to

Master Time


Welcome to the realm of effective time management—a realm where balance, productivity, and accomplishment harmonise to propel you toward success. In this article, "How to Master ...

How to be Happy, according to the happiest man in the world

In the universal quest for happiness, the path can be intricate and elusive. Happiness is often perceived as a state of contentment and overall well-being. An illuminating embodiment of ...

The Cost of Living Crisis and how to Stay Positive

The escalating "cost of living crisis" casts a daunting shadow, impacting both businesses and individuals. In this article, we delve into the current state of the UK economy, exploring the cost of living crisis, and offering strategies to navigate these challenging times while ...

Lions mane mushroom.

Lions Mane

OTHER NAME(S): Bearded Tooth, Crinière de Lion, Hedgehog Fungus, Tree Hedgehog, Monkey Head, Pom Pom, Hydne Hérisson, Satyr's Beard, Yamabushitake.

Not just adorning the neck of a magnificent large wild cat, Lions Mane is also the name of a mushroom. A very special mushroom in fact ...

What are essential oils and do they work?

Essential oils are concentrated extracts of various plants. Practitioners have used them in natural and alternative health practices, such as aromatherapy and naturopathy.

Many plants contain some potentially helpful compounds ...

Moser Roth Organic Peruvian Ginger and Mandarin Dark Chocolate.

Moser-Roth Organic Peruvian Ginger and Mandarin Dark Chocolate

In current times, many of us are looking to save what we can, especially when it comes to the ever-increasing weekly shop and those important luxury items. It was because of this that I happened upon this dark chocolate Aldi last week and I have to say ...

happy healthy and wealthy ashwagandha

What is Ashwagandha, and what does it do?

Let's embark on an exploration of Ashwagandha—an enduring herbal remedy with a rich legacy within Ayurvedic medicine. Hailing from India, this botanical treasure has addressed a wide spectrum of health concerns for countless years.

In this article, we will explore the potential ...

Quick link to our recent most favourite products

Lions mane mushroom.

Lions Mane

happy healthy and wealthy ashwagandha


Marine Collagen

Happy Healthy and Wealthy Rosewater


Coconut Oil

What Happy Healthy and Wealthy is all about

Self Improvement

We're on a never-ending quest for self-improvement and we're dragging you along for the ride (in the nicest possible way). So, grab your coat and join us on the journey of constant growth. The road towards true inner happiness is not always easy and the work can be challenging but my goodness, the rewards are well worth the effort.

Natural Health

From DIY remedies to weird-but-effective wellness tips, we'll explore all things natural health. In our view, the secrets hidden within our incredible natural world should be available and accessible to all of us. We've got a super soft spot for natural health because we believe mother nature and her healing superpowers know best.

Smart Money

You don't need to be a billionaire to enjoy your life experience, which, let's be honest, is lucky given the world situation. True wealth comes from experiences, not a hefty bank account but money does help with certain elements of freedom. We'll show you how to find joy in the simple pleasures while also making smart money moves.

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