From Lethargy to Vitality. Are Supplements Worth the Hype? My Supplement Saga

Okay, okay, I admit it. In the beginning, before I knew what I was doing, I went a tad overboard with the whole supplements and superfoods thing. But honestly, if you'd seen what I've seen, you might just have done the same! It all began during lockdown when, like many of us, I was struggling with... well, everything. I was living and working alone, and the endless days without seeing a real human face took a real toll on me. I would go so far as to say that time fundamentally changed who I am as a person. We're social animals, after all. I don't mind sharing with you, there were a few really rough days when I could barely muster the motivation to get out of bed.

Supplement capsules.

The Problem: A Gloomy Rut

Picture this: It was a rainy Tuesday evening in the middle of November. I was sitting at my laptop, my head hanging back over my shoulders, staring at the ceiling. My head felt like a lead balloon, and just functioning was a monumental task. Eight months after the infamous "two weeks to flatten the curve," we were slapped with a second lockdown. It felt like I was staring down the barrel of another solitary, who-knows-how-long stretch of time. I had already completed Netflix, reorganised my sock drawer, and mastered the art of the infamous banana bread. Now what? I was spiralling downward. Facing yet another hopeless day of dragging myself out of bed, slogging down the stairs and slipping into the abyss of boredom. My skin was a mess, my hair was dry, damaged and splitting, to be honest, I looked like I'd just crawled out from under a rock. It was clear that something needed to change.

So, instead of trying to change the whole world (a herculean task, to say the least), I decided to start with what I could change—myself. I thought I knew the basics, just as we all do — eat more fruits and vegetables, drink more water, exercise — but it was the "doing" part I was struggling with. I needed an extra nudge, a secret weapon to break free from my cozy three-day-old hoodie and joggers routine. Little did I know that my journey into natural health was about to take a life changing turn.

The Solution: Diving into Supplements

I started with iron since I'd heard it might help with energy. But my exploration didn't stop there. In one frenzied evening, I went a bit nuts and ordered a cocktail of vitamins, including A, B, C, D, magnesium, omega-3, maca, moringa, baobab, coenzyme Q10 and something claiming to have electrolytes?! 😂 To be frank, I had no idea what I was doing; I was grasping at straws, any straws! My journey began chaotically, and the learning curve was steep.

As with most things, the more you dive into a subject, the better you become at navigating it. I started to understand more about what I was putting into my body. After about a month, I noticed a subtle shift. There were no dramatic surges of brilliance, but slowly, I began to feel more lifted. Mornings became a bit easier, alertness lasted longer, and I cut back on my coffee intake. It was a small victory, but it propelled me deeper into my quest for natural health.

Unlocking the Mysteries of Supplements

Over a year later, my supplement regimen has evolved in tandem with my expanding knowledge. I've undergone a significant transformation. My energy is higher, my emotions more stable, my memory sharper, and my hair and skin have drastically improved. The list of positive changes goes on.

But what supplements are best for you? The answer is as unique as your body. Each of us is different, and lifestyle factors play a significant role in determining what our bodies need for optimal functioning. Trial and error and listening to your body are crucial.

To start, consider taking a supplement assessment like the one on WebMD. Always conduct your own research to understand how a particular supplement might interact with any medications you're taking or your existing health conditions.

And when you're searching for quality supplements, be wary of imitations. Many companies (even the big ones you think you can trust) make lofty promises, but genuine reviews on third-party sites can give you a real idea of a product's effectiveness. For those seeking high-quality supplements with no artificial fillers or binders, British Supplements is a reliable choice and (now) it's where we go every single time.

Here's what to keep in mind as you embark on your supplement journey:

Keep a Diary: Document how you feel, your energy levels, skin condition, and more on a daily basis. After a couple of months, you'll have concrete data to gauge the effectiveness of your supplements for your unique needs.

Trial and Error: Selecting the right supplements and providers takes time and patience. Every body responds differently, so be understanding and patient with yourself.

Beware of Binders and Fillers: When diving into the world of supplements, it's crucial to be cautious about binders and fillers, as these common additives can pose health risks. To ensure you're getting a quality product, look for supplements labeled "100% natural" or "no filler, no binder."

Binders are substances used to bind ingredients together in supplements. They play a role in forming tablets, capsules, and various supplement types. Binders come in various forms, both natural and synthetic. Natural binders include plant-based materials like cellulose, pectin, and gum arabic, while synthetic binders can be derived from substances like polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP), hydroxypropyl methylcellulose (HPMC), and microcrystalline cellulose (MCC).

Fillers and bulking agents, on the other hand, are additives meant to increase the volume or size of supplements. They serve various purposes, from filling capsules or tablets to enhancing the handling of ingredients during manufacturing. Fillers are typically inert ingredients with no nutritional value. They contribute to improving the flow, texture, and consistency of the final product. Bulking agents, also known as excipients, share a similar goal of increasing volume but may have specific properties, such as releasing ingredients slowly or withstanding high temperatures during manufacturing.

So, what sets apart cheap supplements from those labeled "100% natural" or "no binder, no filler"? It's the quality and purity of the ingredients. Cheaper supplements often contain lower-quality ingredients or rely on fillers to increase volume. In contrast, "100% natural" or "no filler, no binder" supplements typically consist of pure, high-quality ingredients free from synthetic additives or inactive fillers. While they may come at a slightly higher cost, their effectiveness and potency are usually superior due to the top-notch quality of the ingredients used.

More often than not, mass produced supplements will use binders and fillers, some of which have been linked to various health issues. Look out for the most commonly included additives below:

*Information from the British Supplements website* DiCalcium Phosphate, Anti-caking Agents,(Silicon Dioxide & Magnesium Stearate),Tablet Coating (Hydroxypropyl Methylcellulose, lycerine), Crosslinked Cellulose Gum, Stearic Acid, Polydextrose,Titanium Dioxide & Iron Oxides Methylcellulose, Stearic Acid, Maltodextrin, Colloidal Andhydrous Silica, Microcrystalline Cellulose, Crosarmellose Sodium, Hypromellose, Glycerol Liquid Glucose, Talc, Sucrose, Silica Colloidal Anhydrous,Cellulose powdered, Calcium carbonate (E1700, Acacia, Tragacanth, white beeswax, Carnaub wax, Shellac.

When considering which supplements to go for, we know it can be tempting to opt for the cheaper ones, we did it ourselves in the beginning but before you do, ask yourself these two questions: "Do I want to give this the best chance of working?" and "What price do I choose to put on my health?".

Final Thought

As I reflect on my journey, it's evident that taking supplements was the catalyst for my transformation. One small change led to another, and I found myself on a path of constant growth and learning. I discovered the power of self-motivation and learned that sometimes you have to push through the initial resistance of change in order to unleash your true potential hidden within.

Improving my body's fuel, understanding the power of good nutrition, and embracing the discomfort of change have been life-changing experiences and I would love for you to experience the same marvellous effects that I have. Remember, every journey starts with taking that first step and once you're on a roll, there's no stopping you. So, take care, have fun, and embark on your own supplement transformation with enthusiasm and curiosity!


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Lions mane mushroom.

Lions Mane

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Marine Collagen

Happy Healthy and Wealthy Rosewater


Coconut Oil

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